Before you can use the cheats you must type in this:
call cousin Vinnie
A new petitioner item will appear in the Meet window, announcing a "Local
Fundraising Event." This "businessman" will offer you some cash, no
asked. Should you choose to accept his offer, you'll notice a little extra cash in
your coffers -- but will you still respect yourself?
Type in the "Call Cousin Vinnie" code, turn down the offer, then type in this
to recieve the SimCastle reward!
garbage in, garbage out
You recieve all Garbage Buildings, no matter what year it is
i am weak
Everything Becomes Free!
i love red tape
The year is set back to 1900
let's make a deal
Neighboring Cities offer business deals
pay tribute to your king
All rewards and opportunities become available
power to the masses
You Receive all Power Buildings, not matter what year it is
Salt on
Turns fresh water into salt water.
Salt off
Turns sea water into fresh water.
(Cityname) Picayune: The Finest in Scrolling Entertainment
water in the desert
You recieve all Water Buildings, not matter what year it is
will wright
Ticker Says "What Will He Think of Next?" |